On June 6th, 2023, the Tolerance Poster Show was opened in Haarlem, Netherlands by the Mayor of Haarlem, Jos Wiener. The show was displayed on Track 3, the busiest train track in the Haarlem train station. Thousands of people travel through here daily to go to Amsterdam among other places.
A temporary construction has been made for the exhibition in this monumental station in one of the city's most striking buildings. More posters were shown in a café and exhibition in De Schuur, Haarlem. The show was a part of the Illustratie Biennale festival that took place on June 10th and 11th, 2023.
The exhibition was organized by the Netherlands Illustration Biennale Foundation with the support of Pictoright Fund, Creative Industries Fund NL, Municipality of Haarlem, and with the cooperation of the Dutch Railways. We are grateful to Marlies Visser for her efforts that made this show possible.
Photos by Liana Casey and Jurriaan Hoefsmit.