On May 23rd, 2023, the Tolerance Poster Show debuted in Tokyo, Japan as a part of the Roppongi Art Night festival. This all-night festival is one of the largest art festivals in Tokyo with more than 800,000 people visiting the event. It took place on May 27th/28th.
A 15-second video announcement that celebrated the debut of the Tolerance exhibition was aired 10 times/hour for 9 days on a digital billboard above the Omotesando crossing, one of the most popular areas in Toyko. More posters are on display at the gallery-style cafe/lounge Common in Roppongi and in Kontacto, a multipurpose space for the local community.
The Keio University Graduate School of Media Design SAMCARA lab organized the show with the curation of director, Aya Komboo and Keio University professor and designer, Matthew Waldman with the support of the Shibuya City and Keio University Art Center. Financial support was provided by SAN-Q LLC, a Tokyo-based innovation studio.