On Sunday, October 2nd, Tolerance Poster Show took place in Plauen, Germany. On the same day, participants of the demonstration organized by the nazi party "Der III. Weg" (the third way) gathered at Oberer Bahnhof Plauen (train central) in the early afternoon. The police and media estimated a crowd of around 230 people. About 30 Tolerance posters hanging on the ceiling of the lobby hall of the train station "greeted" these participants.
The group started marching through the upper part of the city at 3:00 p.m., heavily secured and isolated by police forces, accompanied by several left-wing driven counter-demonstration groups and protesting citizens. Around 4:00 p.m., the group passed by another strategically positioned 20 Tolerance posters mounted on a fence between the elementary school "Karl-Marx-Schule" and kindergarten "Pusteblume" (Dandelion).
Tolerance posters were not only displayed on the marching route of the nazi rally but were also showcased in shops' windows, on fences, and inside a local municipal building, amongst other locations throughout the city.
We are very grateful to Susann Schmidt (PR department of Vogtlandkreis court house), who campaigned beyond all measures for this relaunch of The Tolerance Project (You may have received it already). Furthermore, we would like to thank Frank Zabel (Municipal Prevention Council of Plauen) for organizing the poster display on the fences and Ralf Fischer (CEO Sachsendruck Plauen GmbH) for his massive support for the initiative and for securing all printing productions. We would like to extend our gratitude to Alexandra Klatt for helping establish contact with activists from Plauen.